Tuesday, July 27, 2010

The only useful training aid.

Besides weighted clubs which have been a proven training aid for the last century, as Harvey Penick prescribed the use of the weighted club to properly reinforce muscles used in the golf swing movement.

There is maybe only one useful training aid on the market. "The impact bag"

At least 95% of golfers have their hands behind or on top of the golf ball at impact position. The correct position would be to have your hands in front of the golf ball at impact. That's where the impact bag comes handy as you can see and feel your true impact position. I'm not saying you should get one, I'm just saying next time you hit the range concentrate and try feeling where your hands were when your golf club touched the ball.

8/10 for the Impact Bag. You don't need one, but it could help.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Practice Smarter / Improve your ball striking

Spend more time at the practice green chipping and improve your ball striking.

Seems too good to be true?

If you spend more time practicing chipping you will save more par. When you'll be facing a long 180 yds iron shot off the fairway of the 15th hole, knowing it's easy for you to get up and down will make your shot easier with less pressure as you won't feel you need to hit the green to make a par.

Knowing you can save pars, will make your driving and iron play easier and a more confident overall golfer.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Played my first 18 holes of the year yesterday.

Mid October 2009

Montreal, Qc, Canada.

8 am it's cold outside, like every other day in the past 2 weeks I'm first on the range, warming up with my 54 degrees. Half swings, trying to practice my 60-70 yards pitch... between each swings I'm dreaming of a nice sunny day in florida, thinking I'll be driving there in two weeks. Now hitting full 54, 120 yards...wanting to be in my best possible game shape for florida, where I'll be spending 6 months, playing and teaching golf. 9 iron in hands, trying to hit nice cuts, something I've always had a hard time doing with a high lofted club... I kept thinking I needed this shot to compete in florida. Was hitting every thing dead solid when something cracked...my back. Couldn't make a turn without enduring immense pain. I fell on my knees, took a deep breath, got back on my feet, slowly walked to my car and drove home.

Something happened to me, never stretched before hitting a golf ball thinking It was only for older folks. I went to the doctor, had prescription from pain relievers.

2 weeks later, my back felt better, drove to florida with my friend, we rented a condo near a golf course. Enjoying nice weather and sunny days, haven't been hitting a ball in 2 two weeks, I thought I was ready to get back on course and play. I was wrong. The pain came back. Frustrated with my back and my life I decided to quit golf. Spent 6 months in florida far from home not playing golf...

Finally came back home, decided to keep my job as a golf teacher, working at the range seeing others practice, I wanted to de the same. Once in a while I took a club and hit a few, no pain anymore. So yesterday I tried to hit the course again for the first time in 8 months, it felt great... weak drives, ok iron play, terrible short game, good putting. Ended up playing 74, not bad... I was mentally prepared to play over 80.

I'll be playing again soon, I want that course record, 63 is the number... time to hit the range and most of all the short game practice facilities.